Have you been the victim of an ink stain? Try not to explode along with your pen. The written word may live on forever, but an ink stain doesn’t have to be permanent.
Here are solutions on how to remove ink stains in the following categories: Ballpoint Pen Stains, Permanent Marker Stains, Felt Tip Pen / Magic Marker Stains.

Ballpoint Pen Stains
This is your step by step guide to ballpoint pen ink stain removal from clothes, fabrics, carpets and upholstery. Ballpoint pen ink is not something that you can usually remove with simple soap and water, but there is an easy and inexpensive way to remove ballpoint pen ink.
Below are solutions on how to remove ink stains cause by ballpoint pens from clothes & fabrics and removing ink stains from carpets & upholstery.
A pen in which the point is a fine ball bearing that rotates against a supply of semisolid ink in a cartridge. To most of the world, Biro is still the generic name for the ballpoint pen. Most people need to write every day, all year long, thus a stain incurred from the ink in ballpoints may appear anywhere, any day of the year.
See also:
The knees of jeans seem to be popular spots for a line of blue ink. Another spot ink stains are generally found is on or around the breast pockets of dress shirts or suit jackets, due to the fondness of ballpoints to leak or break in the pocket. Ink spots may also be found on desks, tables, and walls.
Ballpoint Pen Ink Stain Removal from Clothes & Fabrics
Solution 1:
1. Stain should be placed face down on white paper towels.
2. Sponge with rubbing or denatured alcohol or dry-cleaning solvent, or rub detergent into stained area.
3. Repeat if some stain remains.
4. Rinse; launder.
Solution 2:
1. Soak one pad of cotton wool in methylated spirits.
2. With the methylated spirits pad under the stain and a clean cotton wool pad on top, dab the stain.
3. When some of the stain has transferred to the top pad, turn it over so it’s clean side is in contact with the fabric and repeat.
4. Change the top pad and continue working until no stain comes through.
5. Wash as usual.
Ballpoint Pen Ink Stain Removal from Carpets & Upholstery
Solution 1:
1. Sponge with a dry cloth and methylated spirits, or a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent.
2. Next, sponge with mild detergent (1 teaspoon neutral detergent – that is, no alkalis or bleaches – in 1 cup lukewarm water).
3. Finally, sponge with clean water.
Solution 2:
1. Spray hair spray onto the ballpoint pen stain to soften the ink.
2. Blot the wet hair spray with a white cloth or paper towel.
3. Repeat until stain disappears and allow carpet to dry.
4. Once dry, hand brush the area gently and vacuum any dried hair spray.
Permanent Marker Stains
This is your step by step guide to permanent marker stain removal from clothes, fabrics, carpets and upholstery. As the name indicates, permanent markers are permanent – so they may not be able to be removed completely. You can lighten the stain significantly though, and may be able to lighten it enough that it will be hardly noticeable. Below are solutions on how to remove ink stains caused by permanent marker from clothes & fabrics, removing ink stains from carpets & upholstery, and removing ink stains from hard surfaces.
A type of marker pen that is used to create permanent writing on an object. Getting rid of ink stains from a permanent marker is no easy task – the substance’s very existence depends upon its tenacity. Shirts, especially sleeves and cuffs, as well as pants are prime targets for this difficult stain.
Tip: This ink spot needs immediate treatment. Check with the ink manufacturer to see if a particular solvent is recommended; use this before employing the stain removal steps that follow.
Permanent Marker Ink Stain Removal from Clothes & Fabrics
1. Try pouring water through the stain before it dries, until pigments are removed.
2. Allow to dry.
3. If you notice some reduction in stain, sponge with dry-cleaning solvent.
4. Allow to dry.
5. Rub liquid household cleaner into stain.
6. Rinse.
7. Soak stain (possible overnight) in warm water to which 1 to 4 tablespoons of household ammonia have been added.
8. Rinse and repeat treatment if necessary; launder.
Permanent Marker Ink Stain Removal from Carpets & Upholstery
1. Moisten the stain lightly with rubbing alcohol or hairspray and lightly blot with a white towel.
2. You should see the marker marks being transferred to the towel.
3. Repeat to remove as much of the marker stain as possible.
4. Once the stain is gone, moisten the area with water and then blot with a clean, dry towel until the carpeting is dry.
Permanent Marker Ink Stain Removal from a Hard Surface (such as wood, paneling, or tile)
1. Dampen a cloth with nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol and wipe stain.
2. Rinse surface with water.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 as needed.
Felt Tip Pen / Magic Marker Stains
This is your step by step guide to magic marker ink stain removal from clothes, fabrics, carpets and upholstery. Finding a magic marker stain is disheartening. Whether your kids drew on your furniture upholstery or a magic marker leaked in the pocket of your favorite pants, it is important to treat these stains promptly. Below are solutions on how to remove ink stains caused by magic marker from clothes & fabrics, removing ink stains from carpets & upholstery, and removing ink stains from hard surfaces.
Water-based ink is a fluid used for writing or printing that is made from a base of water with tint added. Getting rid of stains from water-based ink is much easier than other types of ink. It is often used in marking pens, and comes in a variety of colors.
The most common place you see water-based ink stains is on the fingers and hands of someone who has recently completed a drawing or created a home-made birthday card. This substance will likely find its way from the hands onto clothing. Other places this stain is likely to appear include tabletops, desks, chairs, walls and tile flooring.
Magic Marker Ink Stain Removal from Clothes & Fabrics
1. Use hard soap to lubricate the stain.
2. Wash as normal.
3. For obstinate stains use methylated spirits and the absorbent pad method as follows.
4. Soak one pad of cotton wool in methylated spirits.
5. With the methylated spirits pad under the stain and a clean cotton wool pad on top, dab the stain.
6. When some of the stain has transferred to the top pad, turn it over so its clean side is in contact with the fabric and repeat.
7. Change the top pad and continue working until no stain comes through.
8. Wash again to remove final traces.
Magic Marker Ink Stain Removal from Carpets & Upholstery
1. Sponge sparingly with dry-cleaning solvent.
2. Sponge with mild detergent (1 teaspoon neutral detergent – that is, no alkalis or bleaches – in 1 cup lukewarm water).
3. Finally, sponge with clean water.
Magic Marker Ink Stain Removal from a Hard Surface (such as wood, paneling, or tile)
1. Wipe with damp cloth or sponge.
2. If the stain remains, wipe with rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover.
3. Rinse surface with water.
I hope your ink stain removal has been a success!